Do I have Syphilis? 5 Things to Know

It is important to get syphilis testing at our Los Angeles facility as soon as possible. Syphilis is a really common STD that can cause sores on your genitals and even sometimes on your mouth and lips. Fortunately, as long as you get treatment early, this STD is easily curable. Read on to learn 5 [...]

Do I have Syphilis? 5 Things to Know2019-01-03T07:17:10+00:00

Why Young People Who Are More At Risk for STD’s Don’t Get Tested

Sexually transmitted diseases affect young people the most. The Center for Disease Control states that approximately half of the 20 million sexually transmitted diseases reported every year are by people under the age of 25. Even with these statistics, most young people still aren't being tested often enough to consider it correct sexual health care. [...]

Why Young People Who Are More At Risk for STD’s Don’t Get Tested2019-01-03T07:17:10+00:00

The Essentials of STD Screening

STD screening may not be the ideal topic of discussion. But if it were to come up, would you know how to deal with it properly? If you’re sexually active, you should definitely utilize free STD testing Los Angeles at one point or another. However, the tests you receive will depend on your particular risk factors. [...]

The Essentials of STD Screening2019-05-20T19:22:51+00:00
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