Generally, sexually active individuals may have many queries related to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), leading to the question, do I need same day testing los feliz? People indulging in sexual activities with multiple partners may want to know about the risk of getting an STD and whether they must get tested.

Since you may have an STD without noticing any symptoms, it is essential to get tested for STD or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Wondering what type of testing is required? Is same-day testing important? And how often should you get tested?

STDs are common but the type of testing required depends on your age, sexual patterns and various other associated risk factors.

Let’s check what type of STI testing is required for you.

Guidelines for Specific STI Testing

HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis

As part of routine health check-ups, HIV testing is recommended at least once for people between 15 years and 65 years. Early teens and senior citizens must opt for same-day testing if they are at high risk of an STI. In fact, anyone who is at a high risk of STI must get tested for HIV at least once a year.

As per national guidelines, hepatitis C testing is recommended for everyone between 18 years and 79 years. Usually, hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines are given at birth; but if you are not vaccinated, you must get vaccinated if you are at a high risk of getting infected.

You must get tested for HIV, hepatitis or syphilis in case of any of the following risk factors:

  • Having multiple sexual partners
  • Being or planning to become pregnant
  • Experiencing symptoms of the infection
  • Having a partner who has indulged in sexual activity with multiple partners
  • Testing positive for some other STI
  • Using intravenous drug
  • Being forced to have sex unwillingly
  • Men having sex with other men

Syphilis testing is done by taking a sample of blood or a swab from the genital sores. The sample is studied by a specialist in a lab. HIV and hepatitis testing is done by taking a blood sample alone.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea

Yearly testing is recommended for the following people:

  • People with HIV
  • Men who are sexually active with other men
  • Sexually active women who are below 25 years
  • Women above 25 years old who are sexually active with multiple partners
  • Transgender women who have intercourse with men
  • People who unwillingly indulge in sexual activity

Chlamydia and gonorrhea testing are done with a urine test or swab. The sample is analyzed in a lab. This type of STI screening is essential. As you don’t experience symptoms, you may not know whether you’re infected without testing.


There are various types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Some may cause cervical cancer, while others may lead to genital warts. Several sexually active people get infected with HPV but do not experience any symptoms. Generally, it takes up to two years for HPV to go away on its own.

Doctors may suggest HPV testing for men who experience symptoms such as genital warts. In this test, a wart sample is used.

HPV testing in women includes:

  • Pap test
    • The cervix is examined for irregular cells in a pap test. This type of test is recommended every three years for women who are 25 years to 65 years old.
  • HPV test
    • Women between 25 years and 65 years of age must take either only an HPV test or an HPV test with a Pap test every five years. If women are at a high risk of cervical cancer or get irregular results of their HPV or Pap tests, they must get tested more often.
    • HPV may also cause cancer of the vagina, anus, vulva, penis, mouth and throat. There are HPV vaccines available for both men and women, but these vaccines are highly effective when taken between 9 years and 26 years of age.

Genital Herpes

Generally, you need testing for this STI only if you experience symptoms or risk factors of herpes. Although most patients suffering from genital herpes infection do not notice any symptoms, they can spread the virus to others. Your doctor may take a tissue sample or culture of ulcers or blisters to test in a lab. However, if you have symptoms and still get a negative test result, it doesn’t mean you don’t have herpes.

There are two types of genital herpes. Type 1 virus usually causes cold sores, while the Type 2 virus frequently causes genital sores. Both types can be determined by conducting a blood test, but the results may not always be accurate. They are based on the sensitivity of the test and the stage of the infection.

Moreover, doctors can determine if you have had a herpes infection in the past through a blood test. However, the results may not always be accurate.

STI Testing at Home

At-home test kits for STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV are commonly available and used. For testing STIs at home, you can send a urine or oral/genital swab sample to a lab.

With at-home STI kits, it is convenient to conduct same-day testing with complete privacy. However, this method of testing may not always be reliable. In case you test positive for at-home STI testing, you must visit your doctor to confirm the accuracy of the result.

You must undertake another test in case you test positive for an STI. Thereafter, it is important to look for a reliable healthcare service provider and get treated if required. Moreover, informing your partner or partners about your STI result is crucial as they need to be tested and treated too. Although testing positive is an emotionally challenging phase, you may rest assured that you’ve taken the right step by getting tested.

Where to Find Same-Day Testing in Los Feliz?

It is not necessary that every time you undergo a pelvic test, you’re getting tested for STDs too. So, if you want to get tested for STDs, you must consult a healthcare practitioner specifically for that. If you are looking for a reliable healthcare provider for same-day testing in Los Feliz, consider STD Free Los Angeles.

STD Free Los Angeles is a reliable reproductive healthcare service provider. We offer a range of sexual healthcare services such as same-day STD testing. With qualified practitioners and adequate support, you can feel free to discuss all your concerns and seek guidance from medical experts. So, the next time you search, “same-day testing near me,” choose STD Free Los Angeles.